




Student Life


Student Health

Emergency Resources

Trojan Food Pantry

Any currently enrolled USC student who is experiencing a food emergency/food insecurity qualifies for the services of the Trojan Food Pantry.


Disabled Access to Road Transportation

Free service at UPC provided by USC transportation during the Fall and Spring, between the hours of 8:30 am–6:00 pm, to assist Trojans with temporary mobility issues


USC Department of Public Safety

The USC Department of Public Safety (DPS) is one of the largest campus public safety departments in the United States employing 306 full-time personnel and 30 part-time student workers.


Trojan Neighborhood Associaton

The Trojans Neighborhood Association brings together students and the community living within the USC DPS zone in order to fight the “wicked problems” our neighborhood faces.

Health and Wellness
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Preventing Harmful Environments Resource Guide


Ask Ari

Ask Ari features an intelligent agent that engages students in a dialog about well-being issues and then facilitates the use of online educational and self-care strategies to assist these students in increasing their levels of personal functioning. 


Free HIV Testing

AHIV testing will be provided on campus by USC Student Health at both Engemann and Eric Cohen student health centers and is available to undergraduate and graduate students. 


USC Office of Campus Wellbeing & Education

Campus Wellbeing and Education strives to develop a culture of wellbeing throughout USC. One in which faculty, staff and students alike would have all the tools, resources, guidance, and support they need to thrive.

Free Goods and Services
In this photo, an editorial appears on the front page of the New York Times, at a newsstand in New York, Saturday, Dec. 5, 2015. The New York Times is using space on its front page to call for greater gun regulation in the wake of recent deadly mass shootings. Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. says the newspaper is running its first Page 1 editorial since 1920 to "deliver a strong and visible statement of frustration and anguish about our country's inability to come to terms with the scourge of guns." (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

New York Times Subscription

GSG offers free New York Times subscriptions to students. Click to get a free subscription


NYT Games Subscription

GSG offers free New York Games subscriptions to students. Click to get a free subscription


Legal Services

Each year, GSG and USG provide free legal counseling to the student population at USC. Legal counseling is every Monday from 4:00-9:00 pm and each appointment is 30 minutes.

GSG Funded Resources

GSG GRANTS will OPEN october 15, 2024 on engage SC! Click here for link

GSG General Resources
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GSG Academic Resources

GSG Professional Development Fund

Graduate Student Research Symposium

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Student Parent Resources




recorded seminar resources