Only events or opportunities open to USC graduate students are able to be advertised through GSG platforms.

Guidelines for Groups and Organizations requesting advertisement through GSG:
  • Email GSG Directors of Communications using the following format –
    Subject line: [Date of Event: mm/dd/yy]-[Name of Event]-GSG Newsletter Advertisement
    "Example: 08/25/21 – March for Equality – GSG Newsletter Advertisement"
    Body: brief description to be included in the advertisement, specify whether you are requesting social
    media advertisement and/or newsletter advertisement, and contact person
  • Attach JPEG or PNG Flyer following GSG Events Branding Guidelines.
Additional guidelines for Student Organizations receiving funding through GSG:
  • Submit all forms necessary outlined in the Finance Resources Page.
  • Download the GSG Logo and follow GSG Logo Placement for Funded Programs
  • Create a flyer that abides by the GSG Branding Guidelines.
Please send advertisements to:

These events are advertised on of the GSG Website.